Canva Unleashed: The Political Edition

Price: $325

Where visual mastery meets political prowess! This dynamic online class is not just about creating visuals; it's a transformative journey for political candidates, campaign managers, and activists ready to revolutionize their visual storytelling game.

What You'll Learn!

  • Visual Arsenal

    Unleash the full potential of Canva with modules crafted to empower you with cutting-edge design skills. From conquering templates to wielding design elements like a pro, this class is your gateway to a visually dominant campaign.

  • Guerrilla Marketing Graphics

    Equip yourself with the essential marketing materials needed for a campaign insurgency. Dive into the world of guerrilla graphics, where propaganda posters and social media blitzkriegs become your strategic weapons.

  • Deliverability

    Master the art of Canva newsletters, breaking through limitations to ensure your campaign's message infiltrates every inbox with precision and impact.

  • Lights, Camera, Campaign

    Elevate your campaign's visual narrative with Canva's video-editing magic. Learn to craft cinematic stories that captivate and resonate with your audience.

  • Visual Sorcery

    Enter the realm of Canva Mock-Ups, where limitations bow down to your creativity. Enhance your campaign visuals to a level where they're not just seen—they're experienced.

  • Tactical Insights

    Unlock the tactical arsenal of campaigning. From guerrilla tips to powerful tools and creative tricks, this module ensures your campaign isn't just remembered—it's celebrated.

Revolutionize your political game with CampaignNAV today!


Kathryn Mills

CampaignNAV Founder

​Kathryn empowers candidates, elected officials, activists, and political orgs/teams to build awareness and earn the vote!